Injecting Testosterone: The Facts

Injecting Testosterone: The Facts

A painful stab in my right buttock marks the first time I’ve ever injected testosterone. It’s also the first time I’ve knowingly broken the law (teenage alcohol notwithstanding) or done anything so cavalier with my health. But testosterone – a class C drug, illegal without a prescription – is no longer just a banned muscle shortcut. They can also be imported or exported as long as this is carried out in person.

  • When questioned about the steroid use, Johnson claimed that lots of the sprinters were taking steroids at the time and it wasn’t “cheating” because the wide use of steroids created a level playing field.
  • It is also recommended that these ampoules are used for single dose only despite having a preservative.
  • Although it is improbable that a tumour will occur, these would present a health concern.
  • Through application of basic pharmacokinetic principles, alongside the currently available research, we aim to demonstrate why we have found microdosing to be the most effective way of achieving hormonal balance, without fluctuations.
  • Using mathematical modelling techniques for predicting the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of synthetic or natural chemical substances in our bodies, we can create pharmacokinetic models.
  • Testosterone Enantate is a manufactured version of the naturally occurring male sex hormone, testosterone.

These are very different to cortisone and should not be confused (NIDA, 2018). These types of steroids would potentially lead to muscular weight gain, as is the intended purpose. Anabolic steroids cause weight gain through increased muscle tissue production not through increased fat deposition. Results from testosterone injections can vary, and it’s important to have realistic expectations. However, many men report feeling the effects of the injections within a few weeks to a couple of months.


This is because large amounts of benzyl alcohol can build-up in your body and may cause side effects (called “metabolic acidosis”). In children and adolescents, earlier development of male secondary sex characteristics (masculinisation) may occur. Testosterone can affect bone growth and in some cases reduce final height. Should you miss a scheduled injection then please talk to your doctor or nurse as soon as possible. No double dose should be injected to make up for forgotten individual doses. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are using or about to use the hormone ACTH or corticosteroids (used to treat various conditions such as rheumatism, arthritis, allergic conditions and asthma).


The best dose is the treatment that will improve your symptoms with the least amount of side effects. TRT treatment packages for testosterone enanthate costs between £70 and £113 per month, depending on the treatment options you go for, if you are interested in how to get testosterone enanthate then contact us. If you experience any of these side effects, you should consult your medical professional to inquire about the next steps and potential changes in dosage.

The cream also produces more of the metabolite DHT or dihydrotestosterone which may be responsible for restoring libido in men who have been refractive to injectable testosterone therapy. The cream has various absorption enhancers and is able to hold a large concentration of testosterone. The skin or dermis layer can act as a reservoir and slowly release the bio-identical non esterified testosterone into the capillaries. Lower trough levels could be achieved with 25mg every other day and would more closely result in levels near nmol/L on trough days or right before the next injection. The best TRT dosing on Cypionate is one that is specific to you and your physiology, lifestyle, SHGB, and ability to inject more frequently.

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