Help Centre - As an Assessor: I’m due to undertake an assessed lesson for someone who has attended a M2F Day Course, been teaching M2F content and is now seeking accreditation for M2F. However, if I am able to observe this person competently teaching ‘method-ringing’ exercises should the accreditation be for M2C rather than M2F?

No. Both M2F and M2C aim to develop the same teaching abilities (i.e. planning, reviewing, explaining theory, observing, giving feedback, showing flexibility … etc.) regardless of the level of change-ringing being taught. Therefore, the specific assessment criteria are the same for both M2F and M2C (see the Guidance Notes under ‘Further Information’ below) and it should normally be possible (and is perfectly acceptable) to assess a M2F Teacher for these abilities using either ‘foundation skills’ exercises or ‘method-ringing’ exercises.

However, as the range of exercises covered by the M2F Day Course does not include all those covered by the M2C Day Course, it is not currently possible to meet the standard for accreditation at M2C without having attended a M2C Day Course.

Note: A half-day ‘top-up’ course is to be introduced for Teachers who have attended a M2F Day Course in the past and wish to follow this up with M2C.

In performing an assessment in a situation like this you should also remember that you have the option to assess some criteria by questioning the Teacher rather than by observation (again, the Guidance Notes under ‘Further Information’ below refer).

Of course, and notwithstanding the above, if for any reason you feel unable to complete your assessment then you should explain the reasons for this with the Teacher and mentor concerned and look arrange another assessed lesson.

Further Information:

See also:

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