Module 1: Teaching Bell Handling Course Code: LEI3916M1GN
Tutor: Graham Nabb Date: 3 September 2016
Location: All Saints’ Church, Leighton Buzzard
Request a place on the course online here
Local Course Organiser: Nick Brett 07804 912887
The Association of Ringing Teachers Module 1 course is to learn how to teach bell handling. The course provides you with the skills and techniques necessary to take a ringer from their first lesson to having competent bell control. You will learn through a mixture of practical and classroom sessions:
The theory of teaching a skill,
How to break down bell handling into easy stages that the learner can master,
How to adapt to different learning types,
The different levels of instruction, and
The benefits of intensive teaching.
Please quote the course code LEI3916M1GN on all correspondence, and with your payment of £20 for the course.
Payments can be made by BACS: Sort code 401007, Account Number 51503723 – please add course code as reference. Payment is due now so that course material can be made up by Alison Barnett of the Association of Ringing Teachers.
For further information, please contact Nick Brett 07804 912887 or email the ART Administrator Rose Nightingale if you have any questions regarding payment for the course.
The course will be held in the Good Samaritan Room within Leighton Buzzard church, above the coffee shop. A side exit that leads to the ringing room, so we won’t be disturbing any other activities that may be occurring in the church. Lunch can be provided if you wish, the cost is to be decided but will certainly be less than £5, payable on the day. There are also lots of good coffee shops, pubs and restaurants around the town if you prefer.
Click on this link to see a map of local car parks
The map of Leighton Buzzard shows the location of the main car parks. Note that car park charges have increased recently, although £6-50 buys an all-day ticket. The most secure car park is the multi-storey with its security guards and cameras. A good alternative is to park in the large free car park belonging to Linslade church, which is marked on the map and is 0.6 miles/12 minutes walk away from Leighton Buzzard church where the course is being held.