You’ve completed the Learning the Ropes scheme – Level 5 done and dusted and your invitation to the Learning the Ropes Masterclass is on its way. Where do you go now? Have you heard of Learning the Ropes Plus?
Learning the Ropes Plus is the follow-on scheme to Learning the Ropes.The scheme is open to ANY ringer, at any stage of learning. If you’re not registered on SmART Ringer you can now register yourself and then you’re on your way. Personal achievement logbooks can be ordered through the ART shop []. It is a flexible scheme that can be dipped in to. Unlike LtR, it is not progressive, so if your tower rings Minor, for example, there’s no need to complete the Doubles section (unless you wanted to), but it is structured, so that you might want to complete each section before moving on to the next.

Learning the Ropes Plus
The ten modules range from ringing Doubles to ringing on higher numbers. Some modules are aimed at broadening experience in ringing and encouraging people to take leadership roles – for instance,conducting and tower management.
Each section gives learning outcomes, then sets tasks to achieve them, and provides a place to record ringing achievements.The method ringing sections all include quarter peals. Some sections are about wider participation in ringing, for example, learning to teach and leadership roles – some of which are also included in ‘50 RingingThings’. Here’s a thought – if some of the pathways LtR Plus suggests were adopted by towers before their learners get to the end of the five LtR levels, their ringers will be ready to support them in their further progression….For further information, visit or
This article first appeared in the October 2019 edition of Tower Talk, you can download and read the rest of this edition, or subscribe to future editions here.