Learning to Ring at Lincoln Cathedral

In June, I took my parents to the Heritage Skills Festival at Lincoln Cathedral.  Whilst there I saw what seemed to be bell ringing on plant pots.  I was intrigued as I have wondered for a long while if I could ring church bells and this seemed a perfect opportunity to ‘ have a go’  and cross something off my bucket list without having to make any major commitments.

General view inside the Cathedral

General view inside the Cathedral

After having a successful play on the plant pots and enjoying watching my daughter and mother also try, the lady, introducing herself as Sandra, held out a leaflet.  At this point I started umming and erring, trying to decline politely.  I work alternate weeks and do not attend church, I have two busy teenage children and did not want to waste her time.

The Woodside Campanile at Lincoln Cathedral

The Woodside Campanile at Lincoln Cathedral

Sandra was not to be deterred and I agreed to go to one evening session.  I took both children with me and we had an unexpectedly fun evening.  We were introduced to Colin (another teacher) and to the terms of backstroke ( hanging on to the end of the rope) and handstroke (grabbing the fluffy bit or ‘sally’). We also tried a tune on the handbells – I had not laughed so much for ages.

After the summer holidays, Sandra contacted me and we went back.  Only being able to attend once a fortnight hindered our progress, but to my amazement, Sandra and Colin rearranged the training night to accommodate my shifts so that we could attend once a week.

LtR Certificate presentation

LtR Certificate presentation

As you all know, learning to ring these bells is a challenge and I have had a few wobbles,  but it seems that we have found an alternative family hobby.  My children learn faster than me but I am happy to be a ‘tail-ender’.  So far we have found the bell ringing community to be a friendly, eclectic mix of people who are supportive of our efforts.  Special thanks go to Sandra Underwood and Colin Ward for their patience and support. Completing Learning The Ropes  Level One is as much their achievement as it is ours, they make learning fun.

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