Help Centre - As an Assessor: If I am making a ‘Recommendation for Accreditation’ what should I do if it is clear that the Teacher has been actively and effectively supported by a mentor or co-teacher, or what if it is not clear that the involvement of a mentor/co-teacher has been active and effective?

If a third person has been working with the subject Teacher whilst on their own pathway to accreditation (i.e. as a co-teacher also on the ‘teaching’ pathway to accreditation, or as a mentor on the ‘mentoring’ pathway to accreditation), and it is clear that that person has been actively and effectively involved in supporting the Teacher you are recommending, then it will help ART Admin if you use the ‘Comment’ field on the ‘Recommendation for Accreditation’ form to recognise that person’s involvement. For example:

  • Including a comment on a recommendation for Alice such as “Alice has been actively and effectively supported by Jenny Smith, her mentor” will help ART Admin validate any subsequent recommendation for Jenny Smith’s accreditation via the ‘mentoring’ pathway.
  • Including a comment on a recommendation for Alice such as “Alice has been actively co-teaching with, and effectively supported by, Jenny Smith” will help ART Admin validate any subsequent recommendation for Jenny Smith’s accreditation via the ‘teaching’ pathway.

If a third person is associated with the subject Teacher as a ‘mentor’ or ‘co-teacher’, but it is not clear whether or not that person has been actively and effectively involved, then you do not have to comment on their involvement. ART Admin will take the necessary steps to validate any subsequent recommendation for their accreditation.

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