Learning to Ring at Carlisle Cathedral

Nearing the age of 66, I was delighted to have received my certificates from John for my ringing efforts.

It was great to have my struggles recognised as there were times when I thought perhaps I didn’t have enough grey cells left.
With John’s patience and dedication, I am now beginning to find my ringing really enjoyable, and am making progress that once seemed impossible.  It may be misplaced optimism on my behalf, but I really feel as if I’m really beginning to use my brain again.
I have a long way to go, but enjoy my ringing enormously, and enjoy the company of a great group of ringers in Carlisle.  I feel I am now closer to my goal of being able to ring and suck a pan drop at the same time!
ART Teacher John Proudfoot presenting a 'Learning the Ropes' certificate for bell handling to Mike Rodger, ringer at Carlisle Cathedral

ART Teacher John Proudfoot presenting a ‘Learning the Ropes’ certificate for bell handling to Mike Rodger, ringer at Carlisle Cathedral

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