Bell Ringing – First post


This is my first post so I hope it goes okay.

Today I had a bell ringing lesson with my fantastic teacher. I rang 2 bells up ‘very well’. As I have previously learned how to dodge and make places we practised that but I also learnt 2 other type of making places and a combination of dodging. The 3 types (that I am aware of) of making places are: Right place, wrong places and long places.

This can be practised with only two people ringing: For making places you have two blows in 1st place and two blows in second place. This goes on till the end of it. For wrong places you change place on the backstroke instead of the handstroke but the two blows on 1st and 2nd stays the same. For long places you have 4 blows in 1st place the 4 blows in 2nd place. So two whole pulls (handstroke, backstroke, handstroke, backstroke.) Dodging is where you are 1st place handstroke, 2nd place backstroke and repeated. I did that and wrong dodging which is too hard to explain.

Tomorrow I am going bell ringing in the evening with a group of adults (I ring with adults!) so if I remember, which I probably won’t, I will do a blog about the evening of bell ringing.

Good day bell ringers!

Alice Lindsay.

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