Resubmit my Membership Declaration

I have read and and will support the Code of Practice for ART Members: Agree

I have read and will teach within the guidelines of the Code of Practice for Safety and Protection: Agree

I have read and will keep within the terms of the following Codes of Practice, Policies and Guidance on Safeguarding: Agree

I have read and accept the New Member disclosure (DBS/CRB) requirements (incl. Scottish/NI equivalent): Agree

I understand who to contact if I have worries about a child or vulnerable adult: Agree

I understand where to get more information on the signs of abuse: Agree

I confirm that I do not have a criminal record: Agree

I confirm that I have had no action taken against me in relation to child abuse, sexual offences or violence and I am not known to the police or Children’s Services as being an actual or potential risk to children: Agree

I confirm that I am a member of my local CCCBR affiliated ringing association: Agree

David Scrutton 3rd May 2024

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