Help Centre - I just want to attend the Day Course, I am not really concerned about accreditation

When deciding whether to attend a Day Course, it’s useful to think ahead to whether your goal is to become an ART accredited teacher and use the ‘Learning the Ropes’ scheme for your ringers, or whether you are really just coming along as an observer.

Observers pay just £10 in course fees (instead of £20) but aren’t given a teaching pack (with teaching resources and log books), nor given access to the SmART Ringer website which has all the online teaching resources and support.

Those who have attended as teachers can register their ringers for the ‘Learning the Ropes’ scheme where certificates are achieved as they progress through the various levels of skill development. ART Members are also listed on our on-line directory of recommended ringing teachers so that potential new ringers can get in touch directly.

Have a look at various case studies in which both new and very experienced teachers have applied the ART approach to great effect.


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