Help Centre - In SmART Ringer I regularly come across pages that include a link to “Continue to Resource”. As these pages often include little other information they seem to be unnecessary. What is the purpose of these pages?

Registered users of SmART Ringer enjoy access to a wide range of detailed information and guidance documents related to ART’s teaching/learning programmes. This supporting material is described within SmART Ringer as “resources”.

The total number of such resources within SmART Ringer is considerable – approximately 1000 items and still growing at the time this FAQ was written (December 2018) – and so SmART Ringer is configured to ‘filter’ access to them according to the likely needs of individual users.

Within SmART Ringer there are two ways in which access to resources is filtered for you:

  • the first is according to your personal user ‘type’ (for example: someone using SmART Ringer as a ‘Learning the Ropes’ learner is unlikely to be looking for resources related to mentoring a Teacher)
  • the second is according to the ART ‘programmes’ that you are registered on (for example: someone using SmART Ringer to support the teaching of basic bell-handling is unlikely to be looking for resources related to ‘conducting’)

The “Continue to Resource” pages are a part of this filtering function and therefore – whilst the purpose of these pages may not be obvious – they are there to help you find the resources that should be of most use to you.

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