Newbie query

I began learning the ropes almost 4 months ago -taking an hour lesson weekly ( a few missed ones due to holidays but that’s all)
I’m over 60 and I feel as if I am slow to learn, although my teacher says I am fine, doing well and growing in confidence.  I managed to make a complete mess of it about 6 weeks ago and gave myself nasty rope burns on both hands. My confidence took a huge knock and since then I am a little afraid..
I persevered and  have just started to ring rounds with a very patient band of ringers. Oh my word!!!  Will I ever get the timing right and feel as if I am in control!!!!
Tomorrow will be my third lesson at ringing in rounds and I am nervous. Excited but nervous. Is this normal???

2 thoughts on “Newbie query

  1. Diane Adams

    Dont worry …thats the worst thing to do .Consolodate think positive totally ok to be excited and nervous I was, then I am, then we get plain sailing to a brick wall when I think nothing is being learnt BUT IT IS. ENJOY your time and walk out of every lesson with a positive even if its not your achievement it might well be your turn next time.

  2. Steve Haynes


    Firstly, I would think that ringing rounds after c16 hours of tuition is firmly in the ‘usual’ timeframe, especially as one enters middle age, and many learners don’t get that far.
    Secondly, all ringers experience nervousness on attempting new challenges, whether that being ringing rounds on a bell they’ve not rung before or attempting their fist peal on 12 (and the myriad of things in between and beyond) – that is part of the attraction of the ringing ‘thing’

    As for ‘messing it up’ – every ringer has done that, so don’t feel special!

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