Module 1 Course to be held at Edgmond, Shropshire, 11th November 2017

Tutored by Paul Lewis, this will be a Module 1 day course from the ART Training scheme – teaching bell handling.

Practical Exercises

Practical Exercises

Held on Saturday the 11th November at Edgmond (8), delegates are invited to arrive from 9.15am for a cup of tea and introductions, before the theory and practical sessions start at 9.30am.  The course should finish by 5pm.

Throughout the day, course delegates will get the opportunity to develop practical skills, teaching bell handling in small, manageable steps, starting with the bell ‘down’ to help even nervous learners to gain confidence. By breaking down bell handling into smaller, individual exercises, new ringers can perfect each aspect of handling before gradually joining them together and ringing with good technique. As any handling faults are identified early on, it should be easier to prevent these from becoming established habits.

St Peter's, Edgmond - (8 bells, 9cwt, rung from the ground floor).

St Peter’s, Edgmond – (8 bells, 9cwt, rung from the ground floor).

Coaching theory,  motivation and the skill of providing useful, relevant feedback will also be discussed and delegates will be introduced to the ‘Learning the Ropes’ scheme which they can then go away and start using with new recruits in their own towers.

The day course fee is £20 payable to ART, with lunch arrangements to be confirmed with either Paul or the local organiser (Gill Glover).

Following the day course, delegates are encouraged to work towards accreditation with ART for Module 1, which is their skill development period, culminating in a visit from an ART Assessor to witness them teaching safely and effectively – this confirms their accreditation. ART recommend that delegates aim to gain accreditation within two years of attending the day course so that the course materials remain fresh and skills can be consolidated by putting everything into practice, teaching new ringers and keeping a teaching diary (or log book) to record development of teaching skills.

If you are interested in requesting a space on the course, please see the SmART Ringer course booking calendar here.

Paul Lewis - Course Tutor

Paul Lewis – Course Tutor



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