Help Centre - ART Training Scheme Module 2F

How do I fill out my teacher’s log book?

After the day course, please use the teacher’s log book to start recording your lesson plans and reflecting on how your teaching is going – please see this video for some tips on filling it in.

I’ve attended the day course, what do I do next?

This simple video explains the next steps to help develop your teaching skills and keep a log of your teaching as you progress towards accreditation with ART.

I am recognised by ART as both a mentor and an ART Assessor. Can I complete the assessed lesson for those teachers that I am mentoring?

No.  The assessed lesson was introduced to the accreditation pathway as an important part of ensuring training standards and consistency, and it is therefore essential that the ART Assessor is independent from the mentor. If you need help finding an independent ART Assessor, then see here: Find an ART Assessor.

I am mentoring a Teacher who is ready for their assessed lesson. How do I find an ART Assessor?

If you are ready for an assessed lesson but have not yet found an ART Assessor, then there are several ways to find one: See if there is an ART Assessor in your area on this list: Contact your Course Tutor who may be able to help If you have tried the above and […]

Which Learning the Ropes Levels can I assess ringers and submit passes at?

The Learning the Ropes (LtR) Levels that you can assess ringers and submit passes at depends upon which Teacher Training Modules you have completed or are engaged on. For safety reasons, you can only assess ringers and submit passes at LtR Level 1 (Bell Handling) if you have completed, or are engaged on, Module 1 (Teaching Bell […]

I have lost my Teacher Training Logbook – how do I get a replacement?

If the copy of the Teacher Training Logbook that you were given when you attended the Teacher Training Day Course (Module 1, Module 2F or Module 2C) has been lost or damaged, you can download a replacement – click here.

It’s hard to plan practices because I never know who is going to turn up, I might have a plan to ring Doubles, then there might only be four of us!

This is a very familiar story for most towers – last minute changes of plans can mean you’re short of ringers on a practice night. A teacher can demonstrate resourcefulness by having a back up plan in case of low turn out. Bringing along a folder of challenging Minimus methods or kaleidoscope exercises can still […]

Does my mentor have to be present at all the practices I run?

No, although ART would expect your mentor to be on hand to support you for some of your practices / workshops, they don’t need to attend every single one. You might find it easier to keep in touch via email or phone – send them your practice plan beforehand, explaining the exercises or methods that […]

I’m not a Tower Captain, how can I run the practices?

Talk to your Ringing Master or Tower Captain – find out whether they’d be happy for you to run an occasional practice. They might be very grateful for the offer – after all, it can be hard work running every practice week in, week out and if there’s someone else in the tower who can […]

What do I need to do to be accredited for Module 2?

Module 2 is different from Module 1 in that it does not depend on teaching a set curriculum or your ringer acquiring a particular skill. Module 2 is concerned with a teacher’s ability to run a safe, effective and enjoyable practice where ringers are able to progress towards goals and improve. Module 2 emphasises the […]

How do the new Modules 2C and 2F relate to the old Module 2?

The new Module 2C is comparable to the old Module 2.  Thus anyone who went on the old Module 2 course is now shown as having been on Module 2C – on their personal profile, theory test passes and for accreditation purposes. Module 2F is a new course with new and different objectives.  Only teachers […]

Do I need to be accredited at both the new Modules (2F and 2C) to become a full ART Member?

No.  To become a full ART Member you have to be accredited at Module 1 and either Module 2F or Module 2C. Further Information Find out more about the accreditation process and the benefits of ART Membership.

What happens on a Day Course?

All of the Day Courses last for a full day and are a mixture of theory and practical sessions. For instance Module 1 has presentations on how to teach a skill (much taken from standard approaches in sport), techniques for teaching, and dealing with handling problems. Practical sessions include the basic components of handling a bell, joining […]

Can I attend a Module 2 Day Course before I’ve attended Module 1?

Yes. You should attend the Module that best supports the teaching that you are currently doing with your ringers and/or band. All the Modules contain the same teaching and learning philosophy but focus on different areas of ringing development. Further Information Find out more about the various Modules and choose the one that is best for […]

Where can I find the theory tests after attending my Day Course?

You can take the theory test associated with the Day Course you have attended as soon as you have received your SmART Ringer login details. These will be sent to you by the ART Administrator in the days following your course. Be patient! When a lot of courses have been held this can take a […]

What is the teacher accreditation pathway?

Attending a Day Course is your first step towards accreditation. As soon as you can after the course start teaching; it’s amazing how quickly things can be forgotten and confidence lost if the techniques you’ve learnt aren’t put into practice straight away.  Completing the on-line theory test soon after the course will also help you […]

What’s the difference between Module 2F and Module 2C?

Module 2C (Teaching from Rounds to Elementary Change Ringing) is an alternative to Module 2F and provides you with the skills and techniques necessary to teach from Rounds to basic change ringing (Plain Bob). The teaching ethos and techniques can easily be extended to more advanced methods after the course.  It includes how to teach the foundation […]

Do I need to teach a ringer through all 5 Levels of the LtR Scheme to be accredited?

No. For your Module 1 accreditation your mentor needs to witness you teaching the various stages of bell handling using the guidelines in your Teacher Training Logbook. You can demonstrate this with several ringers or just one; which is useful if one of your new ringers gives up or if your mentor can’t always be […]